Happy Thanksgiving 2016

This is our first Thanksgiving as “full timers”, and boy do we have a lot to be thankful for.  We are currently in Yuma AZ.  We got here yesterday, after spending a couple nights in San Diego again.  We moved from Palm Desert on Monday and traded in the Shadow Cruiser on a 2011 Heartland Cyclone 3615 5th wheel toy hauler.  We spent Tuesday night moving into the new house, and took delivery yesterday morning in Yuma.  The dealer had to deliver it to avoid any California Taxes.  We literally threw all our stuff into bags and boxes and put it into the back of the new trailer and drove over here.  We spent most of yesterday and this morning unpacking.  And still have plenty to organize.

So we are extremely thankful to have the means to get a new house.  It’s bigger, and has more personal space for everyone. Brittany has her own loft, the 3 boys are sharing the garage that has beds, and a lot of floor space to play.  The new house also has a large freshwater tank, 2 grey water tanks, and a larger black water tank.  It also has a generator.  These things will allow us to “boondock” without hook ups.  This is nice considering all of the BLM land out there we can stay on for free.  The Shadow Cruiser just didn’t allow for this kind of camping.  In addition to the new trailer, we needed something different to pull with.  We bought a 2004 Ford F550 to take on towing duties. 

We are thankful that Holland Rv in Santee CA for the smooth transition into our new house.  They parked the 2 trailers side by side in their lot.  The new house was hooked up with electricity and water.  We got a bucket of chicken and moved right in.

We are thankful for step stools; several of our cupboards are very tall.

We are thankful for a shower that we don’t have to duck down in.

We are thankful for not having sore arms from shoveling show.

We are thankful for video calls, so we don’t feel like we’ve left behind our family.

We are thankful for built in vacuums.

Here are some pics of the new house here.

We pulled into Yuma the day before Thanksgiving.  We knew the stores would be rocked with people shopping, so we wanted to be able to get everything we needed for the week, and Thanksgiving.  When I arrived at the RV Park, she told me there was a free Thanksgiving dinner and we just needed to bring service and a side.  When we got here, we found out that they were giving each table (we had our own) a whole turkey and bowls of dressing and gravy.  When we walked into the room, all eyes were on us.  We were a little bit late, and the only people there with kids.  The room was filled with snowbirds, and we were definitely the odd ones there.  But the people were awesome.  Several different tables brought food to our table for us to try and it was a great Thanksgiving.  So we are definitely thankful for all the generosity here.  We have full bellies, and a fridge full of leftovers.

About Fummins Family

In 2016 a family hit the road with 5 of their children. They were going to travel the country in a Ford Excursion that had a cummins engine. A ford with a cummins, hence the name, Fummins. Ford+Cummins=Fummins. It was going to be a fummins family roadtrip. Within 3 months they decided that the travel trailer they were pulling wasn't working well for their family. They needed more space so they upgraded to a fifth wheel. It's not easy to pull a fifth wheel with an excursion, so they had to bid farewell to the fummins. They talked about changing the name of theirs travels, but decided to hold onto it for a while longer. They already had a website, blog, youtube, instagram and facebook. After 2 more years they decided to make the switch to Roadschool. Here they will share some of the old posts and video. It may be old information, but it's still just as good...at least most of it!

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