Cauliflower crust pizza

Many people are looking for alternatives to grains and gluten.  That’s where cauliflower can come in handy.  Cauliflower can make a great pizza crust. 

We have tried it several ways.  We have bought frozen cauliflower crust pizza and baked it at home.  We’ve bought bags of frozen riced cauliflower.  And we’ve tried several ways of making it ourselves from scratch. 

Making it from scratch we’ve tried cooking the cauliflower before and after grating it up into small pieces.  It is a long process and makes quite a mess in the kitchen.

Although it costs a bit more than buying fresh cauliflower, I would recommend buying frozen bags of cauliflower rice.  It is easy and convenient and it has great texture for making into a pizza crust.

The easiest way I have found to make the crust is to waffle it.  Mix some riced cauliflower, egg, cheese and any seasoning and put it into a waffle maker. 

Once it’s nice and crispy add your favorite sauce and toppings and bake in the oven and then enjoy a delicious pizza. 

If you want to see our first attempt at making cauliflower crust pizza, check out our video.

About Fummins Family

In 2016 a family hit the road with 5 of their children. They were going to travel the country in a Ford Excursion that had a cummins engine. A ford with a cummins, hence the name, Fummins. Ford+Cummins=Fummins. It was going to be a fummins family roadtrip. Within 3 months they decided that the travel trailer they were pulling wasn't working well for their family. They needed more space so they upgraded to a fifth wheel. It's not easy to pull a fifth wheel with an excursion, so they had to bid farewell to the fummins. They talked about changing the name of theirs travels, but decided to hold onto it for a while longer. They already had a website, blog, youtube, instagram and facebook. After 2 more years they decided to make the switch to Roadschool. Here they will share some of the old posts and video. It may be old information, but it's still just as least most of it!

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