The Three Questions

The Three Questions was written and illustrated by Jon J Muth and based on a story by Leo Tolstoy. It is a great children’s book that is good for any age. Younger children will enjoy the story and older children and adults will understand the deeper meaning.

The boy in the story, Nikolai, had three questions that he wanted to find answers to. He wanted to know the right way to act and he knew that if he had the answers to his three questions, he would then know how to be a good person. He asked his animal friends and they all had different answers to his questions. He was still confused, so he went to ask someone wise.

Leo, the turtle had lived for a long time, so he was sure he would have the answer. he went to where Leo lived, way up in the mountains. Nikolai asked his questions but the turtle only listened and smiled.

While visiting Leo, Nikolai helped him with his garden and when a big storm came, he was able to help a panda and her baby.

The time came for Nikolai to leave. He felt a great peace within himself for helping Leo, the panda and her baby, but was also disappointed because he hadn’t found answers to his questions.

Leo then pointed out that by helping others and giving his time and talents, he already knew the answers to his questions and the right thing to do.

This book is a good reminder to slow down and take time for what is important. In an age when children are “plugged in” to electronics and overwhelmed with too many toys, we can remember that the important things in life are the people we meet and the relationships we build.

Leo’s silence was a great reminder for parents to slow down and let children find answers for themselves. Children ask a million questions and it’s not always our job to deliver all the answers. I wouldn’t recommend ignoring children, but many times you can ask the question right back and let them come up with their own answers. Or just pause, and give them a moment to think.

At the end of the book the author explains why he wrote this story and why this story was significant for him. He gives a brief summary of Count Leo Tolstoy, who wrote the original short story “The Three Questions” back in 1903.

About roadschool

Roadschool began in our family over 20 years ago and we are carrying on the family tradition. Since 2016 we've been on the road exploring, learning and educating our children. We've made a lot of friends, explored a lot of places and learned a lot of great information. Our goal is to share it with you as you proceed on your own Roadschool adventure.

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