2014 Shadow Cruiser 28QBS & 2003 Ford Excursion “Fummins”

Why did we choose this?

When we first decided to hit the road full-time, we knew finding an RV that would accommodate all seven of us comfortably would be difficult. Our main consideration was the tow vehicle. We did not want to drive two vehicles, and because there were seven of us, all trucks were off the table without major modifications for seating.

Our 2003 Ford Excursion “Fummins”

We decided to go with a Ford Excursion and do a Cummins engine conversion into that vehicle. I know I just said the phrase without major modifications, but although doing a Cummins swap was a major modification it wasn’t super difficult as Doug was a sales person at a company that did these type of conversions and had the resources to complete it on a budget relatively easily.

We searched and searched for a “family friendly” travel trailer. In the end, the main reason we chose the 2014 Shadow Cruiser 28QBS is it was avialable in town, and it has quad bunkhouse it had in the rear of the RV. There were four bunks giving each of the bigger children a place to sleep and call the own. Emmett was still a baby at the time, and co-slept with us so he didn’t need his own bed yet. The bunkhouse came with a TV cabinet in the back, we removed it and added more storage. We also hollowed out the beds and created more storage on each one under the matress.